USG recently launched an online portal for their continuing education programs,
Looking at the site, I reflected on the role of education in the company's history. They built their drywall business, in large part, through
education. Gypsum board was a paradigm shifting concept and it took lots
of education to convince contractors, code officials, insurance
companies, designers, and engineers to embrace each step of the product's evolution.
I was a consultant to USG in the early
1980s and worked for Vince Waropay, director of architect services, and other individuals that were approaching the end of their long
careers. They shared stories about the many challenges they faced, such as inventing metal
framing, drywall screws, and tools for installing the screws. Then the
challenge was to convince plasterers to use screw guns, since
there-to-for the hallmark of their craft was the skillful trowel use. Hence, the need for education in their promotional efforts.
This approach, making a new product seem like an inevitable step in the evolution of the industry, works well with many architects, especially "designers" as their work
draws upon the "idea" of architecture as well as the "tectonics".