Advertising: Finding The Positively Good In Building Products
"In the past, just about every advertiser has assumed that in order to sell his goods he has to convince consumers that his product is superior to his competitor’s. This may not be necessary. It may be sufficient to convince consumers that your product is positively good. If the consumer feels certain that your product is good and feels uncertain about your competitor’s, he will buy yours. If you and your competitors all make excellent products, don’t try to imply that your product is better. Just say what’s good about your product – and do a clearer, more honest, more informative job of saying it. If this theory is right, sales will swing to the marketer who does the best job of creating confidence that his product is positively good." -David Ogilvy
Chusid Associates speaks the language of architecture and construction. This gives us the inside edge to “do a clearer, more honest, and more informative job” of communicating your message to specifiers and contractors.