Run Over by a Cement Truck
I had a personal demonstration of the value of safety training in the construction materials industry.

I was standing at the curb of an intersection, preparing to cross. While there were no signs or stop light at the intersection, State law requires drivers to yield to pedestrians. Yet a dozen vehicles careened past me, oblivious to my safety.

It was the driver of a ready-mix concrete* truck that stopped. I heard squeals as the heavily loaded truck's brakes were applied.  I waved to the driver, and crossed.

Safety training had paid off. Again.

The driver's industry association stresses the importance of safety, and I am certain his/her employer does as well. The driver was undoubtably under pressure to deliver the load on time, but know that "one traffic fatality can ruin an otherwise good day."

Construction is one of the most dangerous industries. As part of the public relations services Chusid Associates provides clients, we create contingency plans for dealing with the aftermath of tragedies. The process encourages our clients to review operations -- in their plants, on the road, and on the jobsite -- to identify potential exposures and take preventative actions, including ongoing training programs.

It is the responsibility of all of us to be vigilant for safety.

* Despite the vernacular expression, the trucks with the rotating drums haul "concrete," not "cement."