Present infographics using real objects

Infographics (short for Information Graphics) have gained popularity online as simple, clear (when done well), and often amusing ways of communicating what could otherwise be very bland or difficult-to-grasp information. Peter Ørntoft has a new set of infographics up using physical objects in the place of the usual bar charts, pie graphs, and other common means of comparing sets of data.

Headscarf used as an infographic
His work is inspirational and exciting, and worth checking out if you are looking for new ways to communicate your story. Plus, it works very well for manufacturers of such concrete materials as, well, concrete.
You may already be doing this type of infographic without realizing it. Showing a picture of your product side-by-side with the competitors to highlight size or weight differences, for example. But consider what other parts of your message could be conveyed this way. One of our clients, for example, has a product aimed at DIY homeowners; they explain the time savings they offer as "enough time to redo your basement and still watch a football game". Imagine illustrating that this way:

Better yet, consider what you could do using your actual products. Show off what they can do while giving the data. Tell the story at the same time you demonstrate the story.

[h/t PSFK]