Now is Time to Convert to MasterFormat 2004

CSI announced that it will stop support MasterFormat 95 at the end of this year, completing the transition period to the newer MasterFormat 2004 edition. If your building product sales literature still uses MF 95, now is time to make the change.

MasterFormat is an indexing system used to organize specifications, project manuals, construction cost information, and drawing notes. MasterFormat 2004 increased the number of divisions from 16 to 50, replaced five-digit section numbers with a six plus-digit system. The added divisions and sections expanded MasterFormat to accommodate a greater range of building products and construction practices plus future construction industry innovations.

Chusid Associates president Michael Chusid, RA, FCSI, CCS served on CSI’s MasterFormat Implementation Task Team and has written an article on using MF 04 in building product marketing (click here). He opines, “If your sales and technical literature still use the old numbers, it is a good indication that your collateral has not been updated in many years. Converting to MF 04 provides a good opportunity to take a fresh look at your marketing presentation to see what else needs to be updated.”

In addition, urges “manufacturers to train their sales, customer service, and technical staff so they understand the new system. Your distributors and customers may also need help making the transition. Instead of viewing this with frustration, it is a great opportunity to offer them services to update their business. Providing this type of service can help strengthen relationships with your customers.”

For more information on MasterFormat, visit In addition, Chusid Associates offers a free telephone consultation to help manufacturers locate new section numbers for their products; call 818-774-0003.